Integral Bridges Soil-Structure Interaction



Handbook “Integral Bridges Soil-Structure Interaction”, program “IBridge” and user manual can be free downloaded here. The handbook and the manual are available in English and Czech version.

Handbook in English:integral_bridges_soil-structure_interaction.pdf
Handbook in Czech:integrovane_mosty-spolupusobeni_se_zeminou.pdf
Program IBridge:ibridge.exe
Manual in English:manual_ibridge_en.pdf
Manual in Czech:manual_ibridge_cz.pdf

The handbook, the program and the manual are available for free download. However, their development is a result of long term scientific effort of its author. If you wish to express your appreciation for the time and resources the author spent their developing, you can support this project here.

© 2011 • Jaromir Krizek •